Reaching 5,895 metres above sea level at its apex, Mount Kilimanjaro is not a climb for the faint of heart. But for some, like Mona Patel who hit the news, the challenge is what makes it so appealing.
For Patel, the challenge is two-fold. When she was 17, she was walking at her university campus when she was hit by a drunk driver. The collision resulted in her leg being amputated. Struggling to find a support group for amputees, she decided to initiate her own which still exists today: the San Antonio Amputee Foundation. In 2015, Patel led a group of amputees on a climb to the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, defying prejudices towards differently-abled people.
If you are excited by the idea of taking on Mount Kilimanjaro for yourself, and joining the ranks of those who have conquered it, you can do so while volunteering on any of our Tanzania or Kenya programmes. Agape offers as an optional add-on Adventure to your trip a week-long expedition to the summit and back in which you can experience the stunning views and sweet sense of victory for yourself.
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