Commons:Wiki Loves Africa 2019/Benin
Wiki Loves Africa is an annual contest where anyone across Africa can contribute media that relates to that year's theme to Wikimedia Commons for use on Wikipedia and other project websites of the Wikimedia Foundation. Wiki Loves Africa encourages participants to contribute media (photographs, videos and audios) that illustrate the specific theme for that year. Each year the theme changes and is chosen by the community from universal, visually-rich and culturally-specific topics (for example, markets, rites of passage, festivals, public art, cuisine, natural history, urbanity, daily life, notable persons, etc).
This edition of the contest focuses on "Play". This edition had 50 participants for 752 photos uploaded. Benin ranked second in Africa in terms of photos Participation of different countries. A launch event presented the competition to the participants and the media. Training and upload sessions and awareness campaigns were held in Abomey-Calavi and Cotonou. An editathon was held at Institut Français du Benin, where the awards ceremony was held too.
Team edit
- Fawaz.tairou - Project Lead
- Adoscam - Partnership
- Mah3110 - Support
Contest Jury edit
- Stefano AMEKOUDI
- Dramas omofresh
- Mounia Youssef
- Polycarpe Toviho
Launch event edit
Held in Abomey-Calavi with media and contest participants.
Workshops, outgoings and award ceremony edit
Some pictures of these events
The three winners of the Wiki Loves Africa 2019 contest in Benin edit
1st Prize / 1er prix: Le foot dans la rue by GBETONGNINOUGBO JOSEPH HERVE AHISSOU
2nd Prize / 2ème prix: Saut à la corde by KODJOME Romaric
3rd Prize / 3ème prix: L'amour du jeu by Daniel AFFO HOUAITO
Other best images edit
Enfants jouant Sékou (Bénin) en se transportant à l'aide d'une charrette à deux roues appelé Pousse-pousse au Bénin by Mermoze Adodo
Deux élèves qui jouent au Baby foot by Amegnanglo Loic
Foot de rue Godomey VS Hevié by KODJOME Romaric
Jeu de pneu usager servant Porto-Novo by GBETONGNINOUGBO JOSEPH HERVE AHISSOU
Jeu d'avion par un jeune à Savalou. Il s'agit de simuler un appareil volant avec le pagne attaché au niveau de la taille. by GBETONGNINOUGBO JOSEPH HERVE AHISSOU
Jeux de bille by KODJOME Romaric
La petite jeune maman prépare la bouillie de son bébé by Richmond Dakpogan
Press release edit
- - Le Bénin organise dès février Wiki Loves Africa 2019
- - Les 03 gagnants de Wiki Loves Africa 2019 gratifiés
- - Concours de photographie « Wiki Loves Africa » : Joseph Hervé Ahissou décroche le premier prix
- - Participation à Wiki Loves Africa 2019 : Le CNFC accompagne les Wikimédiens du Bénin
- - Bénin : former des futurs «Wikipédiens» pour donner de la visibilité au pays